Hi there Leonard Parker Here in this segment of the SEO lesson. I'm going to go into detail on how you can start off doing some really good keyword research for your s yo campaign. So really, when you're thinking about keyword research, you should think about this. If you put yourself in the shoes of your prospective customer so most of them they're in an emergency situation. , they're really looking for someone to help them restore the damage and do it do so as quickly as possible. In these cases, um, you really want to hit? You know what we call the bottom of the funnel so they're ready to buy. They just looking for who is the best restoration company to go with. But, you know, if you have any service is that isn’t really emergency service is like carpet cleaning, for example, think about what are some of the other things someone would be considering when you're looking for a service provider? , that's really always gonna be the starting point, you know, think about what types of things your prospective customers footing into Google and you no bill, your key were list that way. So key were research tools. So there are a lot of really good software pay software out there. But if you're only doing this for one website well, then it might not make sense to go and get, you know, a subscription to one of those pay software. , offerings. So look at Google search console. If you already have a website, this is a utility for utility from ghoul that you should be using. , So if it isn't installed in a way, you know, if it's installed or not, just typing Google Search console to go and just click one of these options. And if you're locked into your Google account, you don't see anything coming up. Well, then that's how you know that it's not installed, so you need to go and set up. We will search console for your website. , so let's say you don't you just have a brand new website and, you're just getting these things up to set up so you won't have any data in your Google search console. In those cases, I like to use another tool called uber suggests, and what I like about this to First off, it's free, so that's always That's always good. , but then, all you need is to log in or set up an account with your Google account, your Gmail, and then you can actually use this to find some really good keywords for your service is so let's just say, for example, and I'll do something really General white water damage restoration. I am sorry. So, first you would go to the overview tab, go to water damage, go to the search bar type in water damage restoration hit search so it might take a little bit of time to load. But you see, here these are the search numbers nation right, And I'll even give you some information about Google ads. So that's on average. How much you are spending per click if you're bidding for water damage restoration. Now, we scrolled down here. Just go to view all keyword ideas, so you kind of get a feel for some different phrases here. So water damage, restoration order, damage, race restoration. You're me. , lot of these are local keywords, so it's basically water damaged restoration, plus the city So you know, whatever your location is, our target locations are recommend that you add those as target phrases cost the water damage restoration, water damage, restoration costs, water damage restoration tips, which, depending on your strategy, may not be a good keyword because these air more than likely people who are looking to do it themselves. , but maybe if there's something that they can do to prevent water damage emergencies, then, that could be a good keyword to go after, let's see what else here. So a lot of these are kind of nature. Show our location related? , let's say, first, let's go to the related tap here. See there any ideas there? I think it loaded. So going back to one of our previous videos where, we went over how to do the Q and A. So this is another way you can go and find some questions that people are asking. They have a questions tap here, which is great. So you see here these are some other phrases you can use all smoke and water damage restoration. , so you really have to go through here and figure out what's relevant for your business. And the service is that your your company provides importance of water damage, restoration benefits or water damage restoration steps. So again it might be someone who's trying to do it themselves. , yes. Oh, really? Just go do going through here and figure out what your elephant now, Another reason why I like this tool. Let's say that you have a competitive ER and they're doing really well in the Google search results. So for this example, I'll go back to Chicago and let's go to the first page. So a good strategy when you're getting started with SEO and you're trying to figure out which keywords to target, you're really just not sure where to start is to look at the top 3 to 5 search results here, so we have yelp dot com expert sees dot com. I was I will avoid websites like the's, but actually look at actual cos company websites. So Chicago water and fire dot com look like a pretty going, let's play this back into our uber suggest tool, and again give that a few seconds to load some information. So these guys, they're they're ranking for 379 keywords. So if I'm in Chicago and I know these guys are one of my competitors, no, pretty much started looking at this list here. So, Chicago, what if fire? h. Let's sort this by position, because I'll give us somewhere. Give us some relevant phrases. , it doesn't look like it's, sorting for me right now, but you can always export this to, Excel file if you're doing this yourself, and you can, sorted and excel. But why don't we go ahead and do that, actually care service? Open it. So I think so. Okay, So again, we're trying to, kind of get idea on what they're really ranking well for because though, that will give us a good idea and actually relevant keywords. So data filter sore from A to Z. So right, so that's going to give us from Chicago related terms, too. So I would just go down this list and see, you know, kind of where they're going afterward. A ranking for no, maybe go no lower than 20. And those would be good, You know, initial targets for your website, and of course, you want to look at volume as well. A volume on average. That's how many people are searching for that phrase every month. And Dan, one very important thing to consider here a swell is the difficulty. So it's great. Let's say you found a phrase that's relevant for your restoration company. It gets 5000 searches per month. Let's say the difficulty is 90 and let's say you're just now starting your website Are you really haven't put much effort into your website? And so let's say your rating is maybe a 20. So in order to rank for that phrase, it's you have a very long uphill battle because , that key were, If it has a difficulty of 90 that shows that it's a very competitive keyword, and more than likely you're going to be going against websites that you are well established have gray SEO, great back links and the whole nine. So what I would recommend if you're starting off or even if you're just really getting going with your SEO. It's a look at your domain score and I'll show you what that is in a minute and try to target those phrases that have no difficulty that's in a ballpark range. So maybe no more than a few more spots above its let's say your domain score was a 20. I probably wouldn't try to go after anything hired in the 25 but anything under 20 that's fair game and day and kind of just filter out and then figure out okay of those phrases, which of those actually house on volume? And that way you're going after phrases where, you know, in 1/6 months, a 12 month timeline, you actually have a realistic chance for ranking for, whereas for going out there or something that has a 9 90 difficulty, you could be trying for years and still won't get there. So, um, that's one way you can save some time on getting improving your rankings for keywords. , so now you can try traffic and get leads for phrases that are queries that are very relevant to your business, and your service is No, I didn't teach us something about, um, your domain score. And since we're already in Neil Patel's tool, we can stay here. , but there are other tools out there like Moz or SEMRush. They all have their own version of the main score. So these guys actually have it. The main score of two. , so if I'm in Chicago, I would probably try to go after this because that's not a very high didn't score at all. , and they're actually ranking for some pretty competitive keywords. So that tells me, as an SEO is a digital marketer, that there might be a good opportunity there. Nevertheless, that's what I would look at when doing my keyword research. And then if you don't want to go through all that more, a simpler way to get some key words is just go to Google. Go Thio Mrs. Type in Chicago Water Damage Restoration Look at what phrases air popping up here and this drop down menu. These are phrases that people are using frequently, and these are all always get additions to your target key where it was his search. Sometimes you'll have here at the bottom there'll be some other ideas as well. So searches related to Chicago water damage restoration. Sometimes it's just , repeat of what was gonna drop down. But sometimes there are also some new phrases here. So those were some quick ways you can get, you know, some key word ideas for your for your restoration website. Now, when it actually comes to optimizing your website for those keywords, there are a few things you want to keep in mind here. So let's say you're, , full service restoration company. You offer fire mold. , water odor elimination is so on. You wanna have specific pages for each of those keywords? And what I like to use is call a keyword map where you basically take every important page in your website that you liked to rink and then map it to a keyword or a series of keywords, and then not make sure that each page is targeting you really positioning that page to do well for that key word. You want to make sure that you use your key words in your title tax and every not clear what a title tag is. , it's pretty much less actually Goto website, so you'll see SCO. Let's go back to our friends at Shekhar Chicago Water and Fire. So you're a title tag of this little textured I just popped up. So for their home page, it's Chicago WaterFire Restoration colon. 24 hour emergency response. , pretty straightforward there, um, the national title tech. So what you want to do is usually take your most important key word and sticking into the tunnel tack for your home page and then, you know, depending on what the pages about, So let's see what they have going on in their service is pages. So this is their water mitigation Pai sho. They chose to use water damage restoration. And then, you know you have the option, including your company name at the end, or there's some unique value that you offer. In this case, they offer 24 hour service in response. , that's somewhere where you can include it and your title type in your all tax. So you're all tag is something actually, you can't see from the front end of your website. But Google, they preferred at their the websites that they return in their search engine. It are there as user friendly as possible, and all tax originally were all about sensibility. So if I'm using a website and I'm vision impaired, um, all tag is something that you attach to your image to give him or context. And it will told that person whose vision vision impaired what that image is about. So it provides some context for that image. Now, that image is that all tag is somewhere where you can also include a key word, along with a longer description of what that image is about. So that's a great place. Include sure, your key word as well. , internal links. So let's say now let's use their page, for example. They have all of these different service is. And so let's say, in under the water mitigation section, they had 4 to 5 pages, all related in some way to water mitigation or water damage restoration. It's a very good strategy to link all of these pages together. On this is where we call and less yo language. , silo. And basically you're creating a topical silo just on water damage restoration or water mitigation. And by linking all of those pages together, when Google crawls or reviews the website, they're goingto link in a sleazy all of these pages together as gonna help your wealth side with topical relevancy. around that area. So a good strategy, Let's say, for 2020 you really want Maur mold remediation jobs. So in that case, you know what I would recommend. It's not only do you have your mold remediation page, but you also put together, you know, maybe 4 to 5 other pages mess. It's a starting point that really go into detail topics about mold remediation so things that your prospective customers should know before they call you. And you know, once you have all of those articles published on your website that linked them together to really improve the website's topical relevance for mold remediation. And then finally, when you're looking at key words, you don't want to over optimize, and this could get really tricky. But a good rule of thumb here is Don't do something that's obviously Spanish. So if you have a page on your website, that's 500 words. There shouldn't be 50 instances of the same phrase over and over again. That's obviously Spammy, and it's over optimized. There are a lot of different ways where you can over optimize for a keyword and might not even know it, And I can't very you know, based on your competitors that can vary based on your Web, signing your content on your page. So if you need help figuring out you know where you're up to over optimizing for your keywords or if your brand new to this SEO stuff and really it's just need help with the research part. , we are providing free consultations too. Viewers of this Robin or is so my my pictures on the way. But you can call this number. We can provide a free consultation. There's no obligation. But we do see a way that we can help you. Long term. I would be making an offer at the end of that call. But if you're just looking for some direction on where to go, feel free to give us a call for that consultation and every student to the end of the video regarding keywords. Key words are very important. And they're pretty much the starting point when you're talking about SEO for your website. No, In the next segment, I'm going to go more into detail about business citations. , for your SEO