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Your goal is to save time and make more money. So have you ever thought about optimizing your marketing channels? If not, read on and see what you might have been missing!


The financial services industry is slow to adapt digital marketing practices. Things have changed, however. The latest regulatory framework has allowed financial advisors to use these powerful mediums. They attract prospects and keep your existing clientele engaged.


In this guide, I will detail the major components of any digital marketing strategy, and along the way, provide insights on how to best use the strategies for your firm’s digital marketing campaign. This content is meant for beginners, who may have no knowledge and/or experience with using digital strategies.


What is Digital Marketing?


what is digital marketing destiny marketing solutions


Digital marketing is any form of marketing that involves electronic devices. It is a subcategory of marketing where advertisers use digital platforms to promote products or services.


It is important not to confuse digital marketing with Internet marketing. Internet Marketing is an umbrella term that covers multiple forms of advertising on the web. Digital marketing is advertising over via cell phone, in a video game, or on a subway platform.


Digital promotions can be done through the following:


  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Simple Notification Service (SNS) or Short Message Service (SMS)
  • Social Media (SMM)
  • Paid ads (PPC) and placements


The purpose of digital marketing is much more than just marketing products and services. It sells individuals on things such as companies, campaigns, and ideas.


The Traditional Way of Marketing Financial Services


The financial service industry is traditionally conservative. The regulations of its mechanisms and operations are very strict. That is why there is a necessity to review your words before documenting them in the digital world. You should know this better than most!


Instead of leveraging digital strategies that allow ease of scale and quick feedback, many advisors still rely on traditional strategies such as referrals, cold calling, and seminars.


These traditional strategies have their place, but just by learning the basics of digital marketing, you can boost the effectiveness of these strategies and realize a better ROI on your time and money.


Learning the basics will not take up much of your time.


Just continue reading this guide and you will be equipped with the information you need to get started!


Digital Marketing or No Marketing At All


Potential clients are going the Internet to find the best financial advisors in their area or nationally. For sure, it would startle them to come up with 9.5 million displayed results.


A prospect searching for you may look for websites in a search query like “Naperville financial advisor” or “financial life planning Santa Monica”.


If you are showing up where your prospective clients are looking, you are instantly connected to a new stream of business.


That is the power of digital marketing today.


The demand is there.


More and more people are going online to learn and review and buy financial services and products.


So, if you want to survive the competitive market for financial services, start marketing your firm’s unique value offering online.


This guide will provide you the best digital marketing strategies to start.


The 6 Pillars of Your Digital Marketing Strategy


the 6 pillars of your digital marketing strategy destiny marketing solutions


  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
  • Webinar Marketing


SEO’s Importance for Your Financial Advisory Firm


the 6 pillars of your digital marketing strategy destiny marketing solutions


After you have invested time and funds in creating a website for your firm, it is important to ask yourself:


  • Is your website getting the sufficient traffic?
  • Is your firm appearing on Google Maps?
  • Are you competitively ranked ahead of local competitors in organic search for relevant search phrases?


Your answers lie in SEO.


For a typical financial advisor, SEO is an alien term decoded only by high-skilled marketing professionals. In actuality, SEO is the heart of your website’s findability and growth. It transforms the visibility of your site in a search engine’s organic results for your target keywords.


According to Advisor Web Marketing, organic search accounts for 73% of all the web traffic to service industry related websites. Social media traffic only accounts for 5% of it.


An un-optimized website for SEO is like having entrusting the Yellow Pages with all of your lead generation. People who already know about your business can find you right away.


However, if an individual unfamiliar with your firm is looking for the services that you offer, you will have a hard time making them aware of the services you offer.


SEO Strategy for Financial Advisors


seo strategy for financial advisors destiny marketing solutions


The Internet is a vast digital encyclopedia of information. SEO armed with clarity on your firm’s brand, useful keywords, and a strategic link building strategy can help your firm stand out.


The first step is to take a long, hard look at your digital assets. These include your website, social media channels, and blog. See if these three can operate together without conflict and present a consistent message for your firm.


After the initial assessment, conduct a brainstorming session with your team or alone. Begin the process by formulating your SEO objectives. This brainstorming session will help you determine the objectives for your SEO campaign and the milestones you will need to reach in order to accomplish those objectives.


Your SEO objectives should be tangible, measurable, and have a clear ROI (hard cash or brand exposure). Furthermore, you need to make sure that your objectives align with these common goals of any SEO campaign:


  • Positive ROI – your SEO campaign should show a positive return on investment for your firm. For services, it’s critical that you know the average lifetime value of your clients when calculating ROI.


  • Increase in Site Traffic – Simply put, are the efforts you’re making with your SEO campaign bringing more qualified traffic to your site?


  • Increase in Referring Domains – Are other sites linking to you as a result of your SEO efforts? Links from other sites, or backlinks, are one major indicator Google uses to rank web sites. A core component of your SEO strategy should be good content marketing, which increases the chance that other sites would link to you.


  • Rankings – search results rankings are simply a means to an end. An improvement in rankings should help increase the traffic on your site, which also offers more exposure for your firm; however, improved rankings doesn’t always correlate with an improved ROI.


These are a few good examples of objectives for your SEO campaign:


  • Increase website traffic by 15% or by 150 unique visitors per month (start realistically, and grow accordingly).


  • Increase website conversion rate by 1%. If your site receives 400 unique visitors a month, and your ‘free financial review’ web form sends two prospects each month – then you are converting at 0.5%. Taking your conversion rate up to 1% would result in 4 new prospects every month!


  • Start a blog and provide new content consistently (2-4 times per month).


With the proper strategy in place and sound execution, you will be able to position your digital assets to show up for relevant searches from prospective clients.


By optimizing your website for SEO, you make it easier for potential clients to find your products and services.


After this exercise, you have to decide what you are able and/or willing to do. You can either:


  • Develop a digital marketing strategy for your firm OR


  • Leverage the expertise of a digital marketing agency that focuses on financial services professionals and their firms


Quick Note on the Search Algorithms & Site Rankings:


Site ranking are determined through automatic algorithms, where bots (spiders) crawl your site to decide whether your web page is worthy of high search rankings or just another website.


To establish the credibility of a web page, search algorithms consider the following components:


  • Engagement metrics such as Click through Rate (CTR), Bounce Rate, & Time on Site


  • Age of your website’s domain


  • # of Referring Domains for your website. This component is decreasing in importance, but still plays a significant role with your rankings.


  • Authority & relevance of websites linking to your website. A relevant backlink from the Wall Street Journal is weighed more heavily than a backlink from a local blogger.


  • Content Freshness, or how often you are updating your site with new content


To start on the right track with SEO for your website, focus on the following:


  • On Page factors, such as title tags, keyword optimization in header tags and page URLs, meta descriptions, and content length


  • Technical factors such as use of a SSL certificate, use of schema, website load speed, and mobile usability


    • Website speed continues to be a major ranking factor. You can leverage tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GT Metrix to measure your website’s speed. Aim for a score of 80-85 in Google PageSpeed Insights.


    • To check your website schema, use Google’s Structured Data Testing tool


    • Check Google’s Mobile Friendly test to gauge your website’s mobile friendliness


  • Strong off page SEO, or link building with complete and consistent business citations and backlinks from authoritative and relevant sites


    • To check the quality of your business citations, review your site in Moz Local


    • For backlinks, use a relevancy pyramid to identify attractive backlink opportunities


      • Tier 1 (100% Geo-Targeted & Niche Relevant) – These are your most prized backlink prospects


        • Example: California directory for independent financial advisors


      • Tier 2 (100% Niche Relevant)


        • Example: Fee-only financial services blog


      • Tier 3 (100% Geo-Targeted)


        • Example: Orlando business directories or blog


      • Tier 4 (50% Niche Relevant)


        • Example: College prep blog. You could solicit an opportunity to blog about financial planning for college


      • Tier 5 (25% Niche Relevant)


        • Example: Blog focused on recent college graduates just starting on their financial journey


It’s important to note that SEO, when done ethically, is a long term strategy with long term benefit. Once your site reaches the top of the search results, it will be difficult for your competitors to dethrone you.


Social Media Marketing for Financial Advisors


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Forming a relationship with a prospective client can take several months or even years in the financial services world. Since your prospect has various choices, deciding upon the right financial advisor can be a tough task for him.


For a prospect to select you to manage their financial matters, they first have to be aware that you exist.


One of the most effective ways advisors can build awareness is through social media.


The Landscape of Social Media Marketing for Financial Advisors Today


landscape of social media marketing destiny marketing solutions
In 2013, the watershed document, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Guidance on Social Media Risk Management, transformed the horizon of digital marketing for financial advisors forever.


Before 2013, there was a common misconception in the industry that marketing financial services on social media was not considered advertising. The rules governing marketing and advertising were created for TV, radio, and print media only.


Social media was not subject to the regulations governing financial transactions and communication. The regulatory authorities gave no consideration to the rise of digital marketing in the financial services industry and its ensuing implications.


Today, this is no longer the case. Forward thinking advisors leverage social media as key component in the efforts to generate new leads.

Why does social media work?


The Benefits for Advisors Who Establish a Presence on Social Media


benefits for advisors who establish marketing destiny marketing solutions

It’s 2021, and if you want to stand out in the sea of financial advisors, social media marketing must be a core component in your marketing strategy.


Establishing a presence on social media has the following benefits:


  • Provides your clients and potential clients an easy way to connect with your firm


  • Allows you and your team another avenue to share your expertise online


  • Establishes a personal side for you and your firm. All of your social media posts do not have to reflect financial services or client work. Is your team full of sports fans? From time to time, show your spirit for the local team!


  • Helps you build trust and credibility with greater transparency for your firm


  • Helps you develop a better understanding of your target audience’s pain points and questions about their finances, allowing you to build content and a client retention strategy that addresses those concerns.


Activating your social media channels alone, however, is not all that’s required. You also need to be responsive.


Facebook now displays a responsive score for the admins of Facebook Pages, with an aim to increase responsiveness and hold businesses accountable to their followers.


Social media provides a window into your potential clients’ lifestyles.




  • Other brands, companies, and products that they interact with
  • Current events that give them joy or concern
  • Their aspirations in life. Their doubts
  • Hobbies and activities they enjoy in their free time


Insights such as those listed above will help you personalize your communication with prospects and clients.


For instance, if you know one of your clients were recently engaged, send over a simple, personalized congratulatory note.


The key takeaway? Keeping yourself digitally engaged will help you identify areas to connect further with your audience.


When people see useful content, they reciprocate by giving you their time. They will like your page, or they may even share your content. When they give you more time, you and your team will have more opportunities to convert them into clients.


Your efforts won’t seem overly sales focused, and your prospect will engage positively with your efforts to bring them on as new clients.


How Financial Advisors Can Win with Social Media Marketing


how financial advisors can win with social media marketing destiny marketing solutions


Today, 82% of the world’s “netizens” are on social networking sites.


That is 1.2 Billion potential customers (either now or in the future)!


That is why companies in all industries are adding social media to their marketing strategies.


To achieve effective results with your social media marketing efforts, the following tips should help:


  • Make your blog and website posts convenient to share i.e. use widgets like AddThis.


  • Automate your content and social marketing efforts where possible, using tools like If This Then That (IFTTT).


  • Do strategic outreach with other bloggers, website owners, and complementary service providers to share your content & expand your brand. To find potential partnerships, follow these steps:


    1. Find articles or content that is similar to the content you are sharing on your site or social media

    2. Using a tool like aHREFs or Moz Open Site Explorer, find websites that are linking back to the similar content you found in step 1.

    3. From the list of websites you found in step 2, find the contact information for the website owner or some contact from the website.

    4. Reach out to those individuals from step 3, and send them a link to your content, along with a compliment (or anything that tickles their ego).


  • Establish a set of guidelines and SOPs for your team’s social media usage (more details in the next section)


Establishing a Firmwide Social Media Marketing Policy for Financial Advisory Firms


establishing a firmwide Social media marketing destiny marketing solutions
Many major firms have a social media policy in place. If you are working for a large financial advisory, check with the HR department about your firm’s social media policy before sharing and commenting on your firm’s digital content.

Irrespective of its simplicity or complexity, you are better off following your firm’s standard operating procedures before engaging online on behalf of your firm.


If you do not have a social media policy in place, the following section will help you draft one.


How to Form a Social Media Policy for Your Firm


how to form a social media policy destiny marketing solutions


Follow the steps below:


  1. Start by forming a committee with representation from compliance, human resources, marketing, and management to ensure all organizational aspects are covered.


The gist of your policy must correlate with your organization’s vision, mission, and core values. There’s no policy broad enough to fit all the aspects of your firm, so your policy must reflect your governing principles and corporate SOPs.


The entire policy formation exercise should be able to:


    • Define the parameters of your institution’s social media marketing
    • Specify the dos and don’ts for social media usage
    • Adhere to copyright, financial disclosure laws, and fair use compulsory
    • Authorize people who will use social media on behalf of your firm
    • Define social media decorum when representing the firm
    • Offer guidelines on dealing with negativity (i.e. trolling)
    • Specify the content that is barred from publishing (i.e. information concerning your client’s privacy issues
    • Identify roles and responsibilities for policy enforcement


  1. Prepare the first draft, present it to the committee, and make any amendments, if required.


  1. Lastly, request your legal counsel to review it to avoid any legal ramifications.


A comprehensive policy shall guide you to:


  • Define protocols on acceptable usage
  • Regulatory compliance


With a social media policy in place, you now have set the foundation for your social strategy.

Now, the next question is exactly where will you find content to share on social media?


The best answer: create your own!


Content Marketing for Financial Advisors


content marketing for financial advisors destiny marketing solutions


The essence of your content marketing strategy is to provide your audience with top-quality content that helps address their financial concerns and gives them insight on how to reach their financial goals.


Your content marketing mix could include retirement whitepapers, savings tip sheets, or tax calculators.


The medium can also vary and you can leverage content forms such as blog articles, whitepapers, eBooks, infographics, videos, podcasts, and more.


This content will live on your website and other online branded properties for your prospects to share. Your content often counts as the first impression of your company.


You can curate content that addresses issues like variable rate mortgage. Or, you can create infographics to detail the different savings options for your target demographic.


Regardless of the topics or medium you decide best resonates with your target demographic, make sure you address their questions and concerns about their finances; also, you want to set yourself apart by taking a unique angle on these somewhat saturated topics.


Blogging: A Simple Way to Build Brand Awareness with Content


simple way to build brand awareness with content destiny marketing solutions


Blogging is an excellent content marketing strategy for financial advisors. It can help you grow your business through the following:


  • Increasing your website’s ranking in the search engines, when articles are optimized for SEO
  • Broadening your brand’s exposure
  • Converting prospects into clients over the long haul with educational, useful content at each stage of the sales cycle


How Financial Advisors Can Get Started with Blogging



Start with the following steps to jumpstart your blogging strategy:


  • Brainstorm relevant topics that would resonate with your ideal client.

    • You can use tools like BuzzSumo, Ask the Public, Google Alerts, or even the trending section on different social media channels

  • Trim and refine these topics into titles.
  • Plan the frequency of your blog posts.


Helpful hint: Many experts recommend blogging once per week, or even more. Frequency is not as important as quality and consistency. For instance, let’s say your schedule only allows you to write a well written, thought out, insightful article that answers a question once per month.


If this is the case for you and your team, then stick to that schedule of once per month!


Always Relate Your Content


always relate your content destiny marketing solutions


One of the biggest mistakes you can make with your content strategy is publishing information just for the sake of it.

For example, if your specialty is tax planning, then your content should not be focusing on buying real estate for long-term investment. It will just not click with your audience.


Moreover, if a question arises and you are unable to give a satisfactory answer, it will negatively impact your reputation!


Always remember that the primary aim of your content is to provide value and highlight your expertise.


Use Headlines that Grab Attention


use headlines that grab attention destiny marketing solutions


Interesting content comes with a captivating headline.


Your readers are more likely to click a headline that says “Top 5 Things your Financial Advisor is not Telling You” before a headline that says “Choose the Best Financial Advisor.”


In brief, your headline is your door to reach people who have endless other things on their minds.


A great headline grabs your target reader’s attention. It encourages a response to engage your audience.


Just remember: When creating great content that engages your target demographic, the first step in the journey is reading your article’s headline and clicking through to read more.


Use Statements that Emphasize the Benefits of Your Services


use statements that emphasize the Benefit destiny marketing solutions

Remember: Clients, do not buy features. They buy benefits!


A benefit is the crisp summary of your unique value offering. It explains how your advisory services differentiates from the competition and best addresses your target client’s pain points.


Consider the following:


Feature-driven statement: “Our financial institution has over 100 years of combined experience”.


Benefit-driven statement: “Eliminate stress with a ‘personalized and FREE’ portfolio review”.


A benefit-driven statement definitely stands out. It appeals to potential clients more than a mediocre, feature-driven headline.


5 Most Commonly Used Headline Patterns


The following are the five most common headline patterns for you to use in your content:


  • Question (What are the Blunders You’re Committing with Your 401(K)?)
  • Number (5 Mistakes to Avoid when Filing Your Annual Tax Returns!)
  • How to (How Should You Save for your Annual Family Trip?)
  • Seasonal (How to Get More Bang for Your Buck When Christmas Shopping)
  • List (11 Ways to Help Your Child Become More Financially Literate)


Use Negative Headlines as Click Bait


Using negative headlines will grab the attention of your readers. It has been shown in countless studies that humans are more attracted to the fear of missing out, or loss aversion, than the opportunity to gain more.


For instance, try a headline like “Why Your Investment Strategy Won’t Give You Security in your Golden Years, and What You Must Do Instead.”


If you’re stuck coming up with headline ideas, try the following tips:


  • Perform a Google search for your content topic. Pay attention to the headlines that advertisers use in ads. Advertisers have tested these headlines and optimized them to get the best ROI, so you can be sure they are working


  • Use CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool


  • Try the Headline Analyzer tool from the Advanced Marketing Institute


  • Include power, emotional, & uncommon words in your headlines


Video Marketing for Financial Advisors


video marketing for financial advisors destiny marketing solutions


Today, online videos are a staple for people looking to feed their information and entertainment needs. According to Dr. James McQuivey, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, one minute of video equates to 1.8 million words.


There is a commonly held opinion that video is the bonafide future of content marketing.


Video marketing is a powerful way to communicate your expertise and unique value proposition. Video marketing is a great way to start building long-lasting relationships with your clients.


Financial advisors who overlook this aspect while marketing their financial services offering do so at the cost of potential clients.


Still not sold on the idea of incorporating video into your marketing efforts?


Consider the following numbers:


  • According to The Guardian, by the end of 2021, video marketing will account for 69% of all consumer Internet traffic.


  • According to Forbes, a video placed on a prominent page on your website (such as the homepage) may increase your site’s conversion rate by 80%.


Note: Conversion rate is a fancy marketing phrase for the percentage of site visitors who perform some desired action (i.e. call your office, submit a contact form, book an appointment, download your eBook, etc.).


  • Kissmetrics, an industry leader in digital marketing analytics, 64% of the individuals are more likely to purchase a service online after watching a relevant video.


  • 70-80% of B2C organizations use video in one way or another in their marketing campaigns


It’s clear that content marketing is quickly becoming video marketing.


Your best bet is to use various forms of content so that your followers and clients can consume it in the way that fits them best.


Email Marketing for Financial Advisors


email marketing for financial advisors destiny marketing solutions


Many people from the digital marketing industry consider email to be an old-school ploy for marketing your financial services.


Yes, it’s 2021.


Emailing is not sexy anymore.


Then again, email remains a powerful medium to maintain relationships with your clients and nurture relationships with your prospects!


McKinsey & Company conducted a study on this subject. According to their study, email is more effective than other popular marketing methods when it comes to client acquisition.


A couple of stats from McKinsey:


  • Compared to Facebook and Twitter combined, email is 40 times more productive.
  • A strategic email marketing campaign can yield ROI up to 4,300%.


Email Marketing Strategies & Tips for Financial Advisors


email marketing strategie for financial advisors destiny marketing solutions


Numerous books have been written detailing how to create and optimize email marketing campaigns.


These are some useful strategies to help you get started from point 0:


  1. Build your contacts list. Your awesome email content will be of no use if there are no recipients. Your list could be a blend of clients, prospects, and influencers in your niche.


These are some tips to build your email list:


  • Add a signup box or time delay popup on your website prompting your site visitor to join your email list


  • Use a lead magnet, like a “free eBook” or “free 30 minute consultation”. Always provide insights on how your subscribers can use information instead of simply sharing information.


  • Add a call to action on any digital communication you send to clients


  • Share information about your email list via social media


  • Run paid ad campaigns on platforms such as Facebook & Google to boost signups. Combine these paid campaigns with a dedicated landing page where interested users can sign up for your lead magnet.


  1. Make sure your email marketing messages are mobile friendly. In other words, your email messages should be accessible and easily readable across devices such as a desktop, tablet, laptop, & mobile phone.


Select a reputable email service provider such as aWeber or Mailchimp. With email service providers such as these, you can adapt your email messages to various devices.


  1. The originality of your newsletter content relates to your ROI. Your tips, articles, and service descriptions influence your readers’ actions. Deadline reminders and updates on upcoming events will also appeal to your audience.


If your content speaks quality, they will keep on reading. For instance, if you regularly send out tips on portfolio management, your subscribers will stay in engaged and may call you to manage their investment portfolios.


Always curate content that your clients want to read, not what you are selling.


Finally, proofread your content to ensure that all the content, photos, and links display correctly.


  1. Advertise your other digital assets. These include your social media networks, blog, website, and content (eBooks, whitepapers, etc.) in your newsletter. Make sure to include links to these assets in your emails.


  1. Give clients more options to contact you, via social media, phone, text, or email.


  1. Do not let your blog become predictable. You can brush upon different subjects every time you send out a newsletter. For example, you can talk about tax changes and open enrollment deadlines. You could also discuss recent interest rate hikes.


  1. Always remember to personalize your content. Segment your list where possible, so you send content that is relevant based on your subscribers’ interests and concerns.


  1. Make sure your email communication follow regulatory compliance. If unsure, consult with a compliance expert.


  1. Always offer your readers the option to opt-out of your email list. Due to anti-spam laws, you cannot force someone to receive your email.


  1. Always include a call to action in your newsletter. Provide a hint about your blog post. Ask readers to connect with you on social networks or contact you for a complementary financial review.


  1. Always give your clients more of what they want. There are email subscription services available out there to help you with this. These services offer analytics regarding:


    • Your most popular content


    • Click and open rates


    • How readers engage with your content


    • Dayparting, with insights on the most popular days and times your content is consumed


  1. Always keep an eye on your statistics. This habit will increase the efficiency of all of your online marketing efforts, not just email.


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing for Financial Advisors


ppc marketing for financial advisors destiny marketing solutions


From Wordstream:


“PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically. Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.”


There is no faster way to get in front of your audience than through PPC advertising.


A strong PPC campaign combined with a well-planned SEO strategy can be instrumental in building awareness of your brand and attracting more leads to contact you. PPC will provide you with quick wins and actionable data that you can leverage with your SEO campaign. SEO, on the other hand, is a long term strategy with long term benefits.


For the rest of this section, I will focus on the PPC component.


What You Should Know When Using PPC Marketing for Your Financial Advisory Firm


ppc marketing for financial advisory firm destiny marketing solutions


Many PPC guides and gurus out there focus on the tactics of a strong PPC campaign.


Looking at the analogy of an iceberg, tactics represent only the 10% that is above water.


To hone in on the remaining 90%, you should first focus on the following:


  1. Messaging – How you communicate your firm’s unique value is more important than what you communicate


  1. Marketing – When you are marketing online, you want to focus on that small percentage of individuals that will fall in love with your services and refer you to other clients. In other words, focus on that 4% of people that will love what you do.


For example, if you target busy professionals, 30-40 years old, who are no longer in the early stages of their career but still far away from retirement, this should be reflected in your messaging and channels you use for marketing.


  1. Magnet – What value can you provide to your target client?


Helpful hint: Information is not enough. Insight is the key. In other words, you should help your target client digest information and use it to take action.


Example: 7 Steps to Automate Saving for Your Retirement


  1. Mechanism – What strategy do you use to convert a lead to a client?


Once you have answered these questions for your firm, you are ready to start marketing with PPC.


These are the different components you need to consider for your PPC marketing campaign:


  • What is the best platform to reach your target client?


  • If you’re targeting mid-career professionals who are raising children and preparing for the next phase of their careers, a LinkedIn ad campaign would be a good start.


  • If you’re pursuing millennials, Facebook or Reddit may be the best platforms to find your ideal client.


  • Learn the ins and outs, best practices, and trends for whichever platform you choose for paid advertising so you can stay ahead.


  • Test new advertising platforms. The reward from adopting an advertising platform before the majority is lower advertising costs. Join the party before your competitors!


  • Which keywords are your target clients using? (Google AdWords & Bing Ads)


Example: If you’re a wealth manager in Birmingham, AL, you may want to target keywords such as wealth manager Birmingham, AL, wealth management services in Birmingham, or financial life planning Birmingham.


  • What is your target demographic? (Facebook & Reddit)


    • First Example: If you are targeting entrepreneurs, you may want to target publications that appeal to an entrepreneurial readership, such as Entrepreneur Magazine or Forbes.


    • Second Example: Reddit is organized by subreddits, so you would target subreddits with your ads based on the subreddit’s theme


  • What is your PPC advertising budget?


Your minimum budget varies widely on your niche within financial services and your target geographic area. The average expense for an AdWords campaign in Manhattan would be more expensive than a small town in Texas. Keep this in mind and make sure your budget allows you to compete.


You also want to ensure that your cost per click (CPC) and cost per lead decreases over time as you gather more data and insights with your campaign.


Key Takeaway


Understanding your target demographic, figuring out the unique value you offer to that demographic, the pursuing them via a well-planned PPC campaign can work wonders. Don’t be afraid to try out the unknown with ad copy or ad platforms, and make sure your messaging set you apart from your competitors!


Webinar Marketing for Financial Advisors


ppc marketing for financial advisory firm destiny marketing solutions


You have worked hard to find new prospects and lead them onto the path of becoming a client.


But, are you doing enough to communicate your firm’s unique value to your prospective clients?


Due to the pace of innovation with digital marketing, many visionary entrepreneurs have started looking beyond blogs, whitepapers, eBooks, and other traditional lead magnets.


These innovators are offering more diverse content in the form of webinars. A webinar allows you to promote your firm’s brand and give your company a human voice.


Best of all?


Webinars are scalable and allow you to share invaluable insights and build trust with prospects and maintain strong relationships with your current clients.


All from the comfort of your home or office!


This is how a webinar works at a high level:


  • You send an email to your list with a link to register for your webinar. In your email, include a snippet of the material you will be covering during the webinar.


  • Follow up with your list several times before the webinar. This is a good follow up schedule:


      • First Webinar Email: Send out 7 days before the webinar
      • First Follow Up: 5 days before the webinar
      • Second Follow Up: 3 days before the webinar
      • Third Follow Up: 1 day before the webinar
      • Fourth Follow Up: Morning of the webinar
      • Fifth Follow up: 15-30 minutes before the webinar


Helpful Hint: Start your email sequence 14-28 days out for cold contacts who are not currently on your email list


  • When the webinar starts, participants will join your webinar on the given date by opening a web page. You will then present your content. Most webinars last 30 minutes to 1 hour


  • Make sure your record your webinar so that you can post it on your website and other social channels so people unaware of your services can find it. You also want to send the replay to your email list in case any of your subscribers were unable to attend the live webinar


Webinars are a great way to give a face to the emails you’re sending to your subscribers. They work wonders for filling up your calendar with appointments, and can be a learning opportunity for you as you develop a greater understanding of your target client.


Executive Summary of the Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors: The Ultimate Guide


As a financial advisor, you are always striving to find more ideal clients and grow your AUM.


Optimizing your marketing efforts with the help of the web can help you save time and scale your efforts.


It’s clear: in 2021 and beyond, digital is the way to go!


executive summary of the digital marketing destiny marketing solutions


Just a quick recap of the topics covered in this guide:


  1. Digital marketing is any form of marketing that involves electronic devices.


The following are the primary components of your digital marketing strategy:


  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the optimization of your website and other controlled, branded properties for greater visibility in search engines such as Google and Bing.


  1. Content marketing is the creation and promotion of content to build awareness for your firm and services. Creating and syndicating quality content that addresses your ideal prospects’ concerns drives traffic to your website and can increase the number of leads in your sales funnel.


  1. Social media is the extension of your firm’s website because every 4 out of 5 people in the US are using it. Today, if you want your marketing game plan to work, you must give attention to your presence on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and others.


  1. In 2021, email marketing is still the king and is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined.


  1. A few best practices for your email marketing campaign include:


    • Build your contact list with attractive lead magnets. Always provide insights, not just information.


    • Curate diverse content that appeals to your clients and prospects needs and concerns.


    • Choose a flexible email service provider that is versatile for various devices such as tablets and mobile phones


  1. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) is the best way to see fast results from your marketing campaign. You can start your PPC campaign by specifying your target audience, target keywords, budget, competition, and the best platform to reach your target demographic at the lowest cost.


A well-built PPC campaign combined with a comprehensive SEO strategy is a great way to see both fast results with your online marketing efforts along with long term benefits.


  1. A regular, informative webinar series is a great way to diversify your content, build trust in your brand, push prospects closer to becoming clients, and maintain strong relationships with your current clients.


This brings us to the end of the guide. I hope it has been helpful and planted some seeds for you to take back to your team.


Have you read this and looking to implement some (or all) of these strategies, but still not sure where to start or just don’t have the time?


I would love to help you on your way!


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