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How Damage Restoration Companies can stay Ahead of the Digital Marketing Evolution Curve

Written by: Leonard Parker | Damage Restoration Marketing | October 23, 2019

Digital marketing has become something of a necessity when it comes to almost any industry or market out there. For damage restoration companies, a good digital marketing strategy is crucial to helping them boost their leads, get a greater return on investment, and increase their revenue by garnering loyal and satisfied customers. Considering the pace at which technology evolves and the competition that plagues the market in real-time, it is just as important to stay ahead of the game if you are to stay relevant to your consumer base. The way to do so is by identifying evolving trends in the timeline of your marketing evolution and adapting to them.





The scope of digital marketing changed with the introduction of Google and its unique algorithm which, instead of storing files in a library, ranked them using multiple parameters such as authority, relevancy, and popularity. With its growing popularity and dominance over its competitors, content creators gravitated towards search engine optimization and authoritative use of keywords to improve their site and content ranking to gain more exposure.

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Ultimately, internet advertisements and content marketing began to be supplemented with email marketing with the introduction of online mailing systems. This new form of communication allows marketers to target and personalize content to specific customers and increase the likelihood of positive interaction.



The next buzzword in the industry was the blog, wherein anyone and everyone with an internet connection and a computing device could have their words read and heard by thousands of readers. Major businesses and companies had to learn to adapt to this change and compete with the new voices that were influencing the internet.



With the arrival of the 2000s came a plethora of social media websites that completely changed the way we interact and communicate with one another. Most of your consumer base is likely using social media multiple times a day and so they are a convenient channel for you to use to reach a wider, yet more targeted audience that is interested in your services.

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This is where we are in today's day and age: we are quickly evolving to more varied means of communicating our messages to the outside world and that is evident in the rise of podcasts, video content, as well as other audio material to appeal to changing tastes and media-consuming attitudes.



So what should you be worried about in the present or for the future as a damage restoration company in the modern day? Evolution does not mean that you leave behind what you were or used in the past. When it comes to digital marketing, evolution means tagging on a multitude of elements and additions that will help to further make your campaign more targeted, effective, and result-driven. For the present and the future, automation of the digital marketing processes utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence garners all the buzz and hype. Automation tools allow you to create more user-friendly and attractive interfaces without having to dedicate a huge amount of time, labor, and staff into maintaining it or manually running it. Even now, you can access a myriad of tools that enable you to track your strategies, blueprint your implementations, predict results beforehand, and observe analytics to help you make better decisions in the future and capitalize on changing market trends in the property damage restoration field. The secret is to keep your mind open and embrace change so that you can adapt to the tide and soar to new heights rather than be washed up on the shore.